批踢踢實業坊 Baseball 板
[分享] Chien-Ming Wang could be the most important...
May 24th 2013, 19:36

作者lahabala (王星星)


標題[分享] Chien-Ming Wang could be the most important,

時間Fri May 24 19:36:29 2013

來源: 有請強者翻譯,拜託~ Friday, May 24, 2013 Of all the injured Yankee stars set to return, Chien-Ming Wang could be the most important, and he is rapidly approaching a crossroads Posted by el duque at 7:04 AM In occasional bursts of optimism, or Oxycontin, John Sterling will describe a healing Yankee star as being like a trade where we give up nothing. For example, when Mark Teixeira comes home, we may only have to jettison Ben Francisco or Dellin Betances - at first, anyway. But the month of June may resemble more of an off-season house-cleaning than a trade. After Robbie, our entire infield likely will turn over. We'll waive goodbye to players too marketable to take the loyalty bullet and go to Scranton. And in July/August, we'll welcome back the towering two - Jeter and Arod - amid crazy and unspoken fears that they cannot excel at their positions - and what the hell do we do if they can't? Good luck, Mr. Cashman! But screw all that. This team has won via pitching. Despite a few whoppers from Phil Hughes and Super Nova, we've enjoyed a great spring. Now comes the meat grinder stretch of the season - and maybe a correction. Listen: Mariano can't go forever. A couple games, he's been damn lucky with balls hit at fielders. CC is surviving on guile; the fastball is not fasting. Andy cannot stay healthy. And Kuroda's collapse in Baltimore reminds us of stretches last year that prompted this ditty. Which brings us to Mr. Chien-Ming Wang. Early this spring - in a move greeted within the Yankiverse like news of new album by Crosby, Stills and Nash - we signed Wang and sent him to Scranton. A week from today, May 31, he reaches an opt-out date in his contract. If the Yankees don't promote him to New York, he can walk. The day before his last opt-out clause, Wang had a great outing. He probably could have gotten a deal with some team but chose to stay. I believe the Yankees are quietly using their financial might at the Triple A level, shooting money at minor league free agents, more so than other teams. (I've wondered about that since they resigned David Adams to a minor league contract, after he was waived for Vernon Wells. I thought Adams would be gone for sure, but somehow Cashman coaxed him back, and I gotta believe an open checkbook had something to do with it.) So... it's possible that Wang is happy with his lucrative Yankee minor league deal and wants to stick with his legacy team. I dunno. But at age 33, he also knows time is running out. The few news reports we've seen - (and who knows if they have credibility?) - say his sinker isn't the bowling ball it was back in the glory days. At Scranton, he's started seven games, thrown 44 innings with an ERA of 3.07. He's had some clunkers, but in his last start, he went six innings and pitched pretty well. He's showing control - only seven walks - but the truth is, if the Yankees were obliged to promote the best pitcher from Scranton based on performance, it would be Chris Bootcheck - age 34 - (and we know that's not going to happen, without a staph infection at the majors level.) The seven days of Wang. By next Friday, Andy could be back. Unless we have another injury - always a possibility - there's no spot for Wang in our rotation. But do we let him walk out the door? The plates are spinning on their sticks. John and Suzyn might need a new prescription. -- 一段將"好人卡"變成"喜帖"的愛情故事 脫衣秀(無圖) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

gundriver:恩,原來如此 05/24 19:38

floyd2257:嗯,略懂 05/24 19:39

ben1990522: 喔原來如此 05/24 19:39

AnsonLyo:看不懂,跪求翻譯.... 05/24 19:40

bryanlin:恩,懂了! 05/24 19:40

moy5566:yeah that's what I am talking about (誤) 05/24 19:40

lion198:供蝦咪? 05/24 19:40

ianasd:哦,早說嘛 05/24 19:40

alsou:恩,是有這種可能,但是我覺得....該怎麼說.... 05/24 19:40

jn9515:恩!恩!原來如此謝謝分享 05/24 19:40

bryanlin:只能說不意外 05/24 19:41

Weith726:是喔,真的假的!? 05/24 19:41

sanji6311:我就說王鏡銘不錯嘛(誤_ 05/24 19:41

makimakimaki:早就知道了 05/24 19:41

lampardoRio:i got it!!! 05/24 19:41

miabcd199:標題內外不同 05/24 19:42


hunt5566:哈哈 早說過會這樣了 05/24 19:42

power11811:西屏,你怎麼說? 05/24 19:42

master56:建仔準備棄投轉打 05/24 19:42

※ 編輯: lahabala 來自: (05/24 19:44)

shallowei:感謝大大無私的分享 05/24 19:42

www5566:ESPN記者表示; 05/24 19:45

MetalChao:總之王沒什麼機會,雖然作者覺得他投得也還不差 05/24 19:46

halulu:This is a book. 05/24 19:46

layhum21: important! 05/24 19:47

f2209237788:大概是說 洋基的傷兵都要回來了 王將面臨抉擇 05/24 19:48

ssslllyyy:標題說明了一切 05/24 19:51

milerful:嗯,跟我想的一樣,果然如此 05/24 19:51

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